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Personal Development

CPP, Career Preferences Profiler, management tests, mapp personality test, management ability tests, tests for managers, management personality, wave, 16pf, mbti, hogan

Thinking Patterns

PDP, thinking patterns, return to work anxieties, overcoming unhelpful thinking, Covid renewal

Renew - The Personal Development Profiler (PDP)

The PDP explores thinking patterns that may be unhelpful in times of stress or re-entry into the workplace

The output includes:

Thinking Patterns Profile - how the respondent typically perceives events.

Development Report - focuses on predominant thinking pattern

Development activities - a structured approach to challenging the evidence that leads to patterns of thinking and reframing thoughts.

Interpretation Guide - a wider exploration of different thinking styles and outcomes.

View a sample PDP Report

Watch a video about the PDP

MAPP, Managerial and Professional Profiler, management tests, mapp personality test, management ability tests, tests for managers, management personality, wave, 16pf, mbti, hogan